Whether you are lucky enough to have your university give you a subscription, or you are signing on as an individual Masters or Doctoral student looking for support, this app makes your academic life easier by giving you access to over 500 webinars on topics from academic writing to wellness.
First you need to sign in with your pd.education account / university email + password. Then look through the webinars library on the left, or sign up to attend upcoming events (everyone who registers is sent the recording by email even if they can't attend live). Be sure to look for the latest webinars or series.
On this app you will find the support you need across ten topic areas: Academic Writing, Argumentation, Criticality, Getting Published, Grad Prep, Job Prep, Research Design, Thesis or Proposal Design, Tools and Hacks, and Wellness. pd.education supports the whole graduate student, throughout their postgraduate journey.